Edison Place, Glendale, Queens NY, 1pm

EDISON PLACE, Glendale, Queens, NY (1pm); Back by popular demand; All different from Feb 19 show! Reservation Required for the Dining Room - $39.95 includes a 3 course Meal (Appetizer,Entree, Dessert); Bar Space available, as well.  Call: 718 821-8401

St. Cecelia KOC, Iselin

ST. CECELIA KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS at K OF C HALL, Iselin; Dinner/Dancing/Show; 732 572-1717

Bayonne to Bermuda Cruise

Click here for more info on the BOBBY BYRNE BAYONNE TO BERMUDA CRUISE;Last-minute Bookings:  800 883-8646 / 732 450-9200